In the Media

Here you can find INTERSECT team members quoted in newspaper articles, broadcast, radio, and podcast interviews.

For op-eds, see the Publications page.


Smykkestrid i valgkampen: – Dette er misbruk av det kristne korset!

Cathrine Thorleifsson speaks to TV2 Nyhetene (21 August 2021).

For some, being a tradwife is about more time with family. For others, it's a dangerous far-right ideology

Eviane Leidig is interviewed by ABC Radio International on the tradwife movement (21 August 2021).

Frp må ta oppgjør med konspirasjonsretorikk

Cathrine Thorleifsson was interviewed by Aftenposten (11 August 2021).

2 år siden terror mot moske

Cathine Thorleifsson is a guest at NRK Dagsnytt 18 (10 August 2021).

अयोध्या में जन्मभूमि शिलान्यास के मायने भविष्य के भारत के लिए- नज़रिया

Eviane Leidig is interviewed by BBC Hindi, “The meaning of the foundation stone of the Janmabhoomi in Ayodhya for the India of the future” (5 August 2021).

Arven etter Behring Breivik

Cathrine Thorleifsson speaks to Stavanger Aftenblad (31 July 2021).

Vil barnet ditt vite om det som skjedde 22. juli?

Cathrine Thorleifsson gives advice in Aftenposten (22 July 2021).

Der Terror darf nicht siegen

Sindre Bangstad is interviewed by the German weekly Süddeutsche Zeitung on the 10th anniversary of the attack on Utøya (in German, 22 July 2021).

Noorse politie houdt rekening met nieuw geweld door rechtsextremisten

Sindre Bangstad speaks to NRC Handelsblatt about responses to right-wing terrorism by the Norwegian police (in Dutch, 21 July 2021).

10 år efter Utøya-massakren: Gammelt had på nye flasker

Cathrine Thorleifsson is interviewed by Jydske Vestkysten (15 July 2021).

10 år etter 22. juli: Høyreekstremt tankegods lett tilgjengelig på nett døgnet rundt

Cathrine Thorleifsson talks to Universitetsplassen Podcast (28 Juni 2021).

Regjeringskrisen i Sverige: – Et tegn på at Sverigedemokraterna er på vei inn i varmen

Cathrine Thorleifsson is interviewed by Dagsavisen (24 June 2021).

"Bare for gøy". Slik er humor blitt de høyreekstremes våpen

Cathrine Thorleifsson speaks to Aftenposten (11 June 2021).

Far right extremist movements and Covid-19

Cathrine Thorleifsson is interviewed by TV24 Brazil (14 May 2021).

Forward to the Past

Eviane Leidig is interviewed for Episode 2 of the first season of “The Feminine Art of Radicalisation” Podcast (12 May 2021).

Misbruk av Davidstjernen i høyrekstreme coronademonstrasjoner

Cathrine Thorleifsson is interviewed for NRK Nyhetsmorgen (10 May 2021).

Må ta hensyn til en forverret situasjon på Sri Lanka

Iselin Frydenlund is interviewed by Morten Dokka of Folkebladet about the situation in Sri Lanka (6 Mai 2021).

From Cooking Videos to QAnon, N.H.-Based Video Platform Attracts Users Banned Elsewhere

Eviane Leidig spoke to New Hamshire Public Radio (19 April 2021).

Terroristen fikk spille førstefiolin den første måneden

Cathine Thorleifsson is interviewed by Nils Martin Silvola for on her contribution to SKUP 2021 (15 April 2021).

Derfor kommer militærkuppet nå: et voldsomt tilbakeslag for Myanmar

Iselin Frydenlund is interviewed by Hanna Haug Røset of VG (14 February 2021).

Kuppet i Myanmar: Prinsesser, dragqueens, munker og menn i baris

Iselin Frydenlund is interviewed by Dagbladet on the resistance movement in Myanmar (11 Februar 2021).

Beskjeden til kuppmakerne: «Dere køddet med feil generasjon»

Iselin Frydenlund is interviewed by Aftenposten on the role of social media for the resistance in Myanmar (6 February 2021).

Militærkuppet i Myanmar: Hva skjer når et juntastyre tar makten i et norsk partnerland?

Iselin Frydenlund is interviewed by Bystandsaktuelt on the military coup in Myanmar (4 February 2021).

Reaksjoner på militærkuppet i Myanmar

Iselin Frydenlund is interviewed by NRK Radio Nyhetsmorgen (2 February 2021).

Dette er kjærlighetsjihad

Iselin Frydenlund is interviewed by John Færseth of utrop (19 January 2021).

Hindutva as Far-Right Extremism

Eviane Leidig is guest at the House of DelVento podcast (15 January 2021).

Professor om retur til Sri Lanka: en forverret situasjon

Iselin Frydenlund is interviewed by Folkebladet (8 January 2021).

Dette skjedde under terrorangrepet i Norge 22. Juli

Cathrine Thorleifsson participated in Aftenposten Junior (6 Januar 2021).

Hindutva, from interwar fascism to Narendra Modi

Eviane Leidig is interviewed by POP - Political Observatory on Populism (23 November 2020).

Slik lader de opp til valget

Cathrine Thorleifsson is interviewed by Yohan Shanmugaratnam for Klassekampen (1 October 2020).

Trumps verden

Cathrine Thorleifsson speaks to TV2 Nyhetene about Donald Trump, the Proud Boys and “Stand back - and stand by” (1 October 2020).

What Exactly is the Radical Right?

Eviane Leidig is guest at Right Rising Podcast (15 September 2020).

Verden med virus: Fremmer gamle fiendebilder

Cathrine Thorleifsson is interviewed by Erik Engblad for the C-REX blog (9 July 2020).

Ensom ulv - et lite treffende begrep om dagens terrorister

Cathrine Thorleifsson talks to Universitetsplassen Podcast (26 Juni 2020).

Portrettintervju med ekstremismeforsker Cathrine Thorleifsson

Cathrine Thorleifsson gives an in-depth interview to DN Magasinet on the challenges of research on extremism (in Norwegian, 22 Mai 2020).

Intervju om hvit overmakt ideologi, kjønn og chankultur

Cathrine Thorleifsson speaks on NRK Nyheter (7 May 2020).

Traditionella fruar ger extremismen en städad front

Eviane Leidig is interviewed by Emilie Stendahl of (5 May 2020).

Om Manshaus rettsak

Cathrine Thorleifsson appears on NRK Dagsnytt 18 discussing the Manshaus trial (20 Mai 2020).

Han frykter hvitt folkemord

Cathrine Thorleifsson speaks to VGTV about Philip Manshaus (20 May 2020).

Rasisme i Pandemier

Cathrine Thorleiffson gives an interview to NRK’s Studio 2 Podcast on Racism and the Pandemic (8 Mai 2020).

Dagbladet viste Manshaus' «kvit makt»-gest på fronten: – Uklokt

Cathrine Thorleifsson is interviewed to weight in on the display of far-right gestures in the media (7 Mai 2020).

Dr Eviane Leidig on Hindutva & the global far-right

Eviane Leidig is interviewed on the Yeah Nah Pasaran! podcast from Australia on her research on Hindutva and its connections with the global far-right (30 April 2020).

Ytre høyre responser på Covid 19

Cathrine Thorleifsson is interviewed by TV2 Nyhetene on far-right responses to COVID-19 (1 April 2020).

Angrepet i Hanau: Dette vet vi om den antatte gjerningsmannen

Cathrine Thorleifsson is interviewed by Stian Eisenträger of VG about the attack in Hanau (20 February 2020).

Samtale om høyreexkstrem propaganda på nett

Cathrine Thorleifsson participates in a debate about right-wing propaganda online and the interconnections between anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim hatred, NRK Radio P1, (8 February 2020).

Al-Noor-moskeen i Bærum: – Betraktelig færre besøkende etter angrepet

Cathrine Thorleiffson is interviewed by by NRK about the after effects of the attack in Bærum (4 February 2020).

Islamofobi er et veldig problematisk begrep

Iselin Frydenlund is interviewed by Morgenbladet on the concept of Islamophobia (in Norwegian).

How Christchurch inspired further acts of far-right terror

Cathrine Thorleifsson is interviewed by TellMAMA UK (3 September 2019).

Den nye terroren del 1: hotet mot muslimerna

Iselin Frydenlund is interviewed on Swedish Radio about mosque terrorist attacks (in Norwegian/Swedish).

Dette bør du vite om de ekstreme nettforumene 4chan, 8chan og EndChan

Cathrine Thorleiffson explains far-right internet subcultures to interview to Adressavisen.

Buddhists Go to Battle: When Nationalism Overrides Pacifism

Iselin Frydenlund is interviewed by The New York Times on Buddhist nationalism in Myanmar (8 July 2019).

Om Terror New Zealand

Cathrine Thorleifsson is interviewed by NKR’s Nyhetsmorgen about the Terror in New Zealand (18 March 2019).